Time Flies

Today I visited Andrew at work, but it was extra significant because he was transferred to a different station than normal. He was back at the station that he proposed at 2 years ago! Andrew asked me to drop something off to him at work and it was so strange/exciting to be back. In March of 2009, Andrew proposed 100 feet in the air on the ladder truck at Station 293. In 2009, when he proposed, there really wasn't much surrounding the nearby area as we were in the air. The closest things were a golf course, cotton field, lots of desert landscape and dirt. Now that we are in 2011 the area has taken a huge transformation. There is now a resort called Talking Stick, huge parking structures, and the casino is more defined and attached to the hotel. I can't believe how much the area has changed in 2 years! It was fun to reminisce and remember that day he took me by complete surprise.
Pictures from our engagement session centered around the fire station (2009)

One Year Down

In a few days Andrew & I will be celebrating our One Year Anniversary. I can't wait to spend the day together focused solely on us and our marriage. It sounds pretty selfish actually, but I'm so looking forward to it. I love reliving special moments and talking about every single detail that took place that day. Marriage is such a precious gift. It is definitely hard at times, but I think thats why its so rewarding. One day I hope to be the cute old couple thats been married for 50 years. I bet we will both be adorable together grey hair and all. I'm looking forward to celebrating many more anniversaries, but for now I'm anxious to celebrate our first year. I hear it only gets better!

A Look Back on 2010

I can't believe another year has come and gone. I remember counting down to 2010 and feeling like it was never going to come...crazy how time flies. Here are a few highlights from 2010:
  • Our Wedding!
  • The Mini Honeymoon spent in AZ
  • I moved into our first house
  • Our official Honeymoon vacation in March - A cruise to Mexico
  • I graduated college! No more school for me!
  • We hosted our 1st Annual Ice Cream Social. (if you don't see this event as a highlight you definitely need to get to know me better)
  • Vacationed in California & Chicago
  • I received a promotion at work
  • I learned how to cook food my husband would actually enjoy
I am looking forward to what 2011 has in store for us. I'm sure it will be a busy year filled with some exciting adventures and new obstacles to tackle together.

Christmas Time is Here

I can’t believe Christmas is right around the corner! My oh my how time flies! One of my favorite things about Christmas are all the holiday cards that get sent our way. Our refrigerator is always covered with some of the cutest designs. Since this is my first year as a Mrs. I think Christmas cards are a must! I have been on the search for some cute, trendy, Christmas cards and I’m pretty sure I found just the place.

Shutterfly has always amazed me with their awesome ideas and cute ways to make memories last a lifetime and their cards this year do not disappoint. Here is a link to their endless collection of fun cards: http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery/holiday-cards I’m really loving the elegant cards with just a few pictures for me & Andrew. I’m trying to debate between the flat Christmas cards or the folded ones that allow you to write a little special greeting for each family. http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery/christmas-photo-cards I think it is so hard to find cards these days that actually say “Merry Christmas” instead of “Seasons Greetings” or “Happy Holidays.” I think that is super important when deciding on a card. I also really love the idea of a calendar! What a cool way to keep track of dates and appointments with something you created! http://www.shutterfly.com/calendars

I can’t wait to send our very first Christmas card as Mr. & Mrs. Schlaiss and send tons more in the coming years!

Halloween Fun

A few days before Halloween consisted of pumpkin carving, caramel apples, pumpkin pie, pumpkin seeds, and somehow Halo snuck its way into this festive evening. We had a few friends over to join in the fall goodness. Here are a few pictures from our evening:

Pumpkin Carving

Our creations (Me, Andrew, Tanya, & Chelsea)

The Anti-Pumpkin Carvers

Pumpkin Seeds! Yum!

Love my amazing friends!!

Some Fall Decorating

I love decorating our house for the holidays. I think its so cool how just some small touches can instantly change the feel of our home. Here are some of my simple DIY additions...

Halloween Lanterns made from jars hanging around the house
Our candy dish (a semi-costly bowl but worth visiting Haley at work to paint pottery)
A cute pumpkin from my mother-in-law on our buffet
Centerpieces on our kitchen island and table
A wreath that only cost $10 for all the supplies
Doesn't it look amazing!?! It is by far my favorite craft thus far.

I can't wait to start working on some Christmas projects!


Like many other Arizona natives, I absolutely adore fall! It is by far the best weather all year long! I know this is just the beginning stages of fall, but I am still so excited! The only thing Arizona is lacking is the changing colors....but I will let that slide and settle with the gorgeous weather that doesn't make me freeze.

(Disclaimer: There could be more than eight reasons...I could just be too lazy to think of more...)
1. Pumpkin - I adore anything and everything pumpkin. There are so many delicious treats and desserts that taste magnificent with pumpkin.
2. Holiday decorating - This is my first year as a homeowner..well technically we owned the house last year, but only Andrew lived here, so this is my first official year for decorating. I love all the fun, creative ways to make a house seem festive and cozy. I could actually probably spend hours in decorating stores getting ideas. My current weakness for everything decor is Hobby Lobby.
3. Cool weather - I feel like this summer has been abnormally hot or maybe just the fact that Andrew and I don't like hiking up the bill with running our AC constantly. I am so ready for the nice cool breezes that the fall brings. I can't wait to enjoy going on walks or riding our bikes again.
4. Jackets - Jackets are so delightful. I love the nice, big cozy sweatshirts or the cute, sophisticated trench coat. I always get cold in restaurants, even in 115 degree weather, so it will be nice to look around the dinner table and see other people wearing jackets and not just me.
5. Candles - I am ecstatic to have the holiday scents back. I have a current obsession with candles and my favorites happen to be the ones that only come around during the holidays.
6. Amazing food - For some reason really good baking and cooking just doesn't happen during the summer. Its always too hot to turn on the darn oven! Pies, turkey, stuffing...the list really just keeps going...
7. Candy - There is a little holiday that happens to occur during my fall celebrations. I could really care less about the dressing up aspect of Halloween since I don't have children, but I do appreciate and enjoy the candy aspect. Halloween is a great excuse to stock the house with candy AND there are always awesome deals on leftover bags of candy on November 1st. Clearly a win-win.
8. Bonfires - Bonfires are a great way to hang out..especially on a cool fall night. A bonfire, friends, and possibly some smores = an evening well spent.

Obviously you can see the fall is awesome. Case closed.

About Me

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We are two crazy newlyweds enjoying the incredible life God has blessed us with. We spend most of our time with our beautiful families and our awesome high school students at Scottsdale Bible Church. We are excited for all the adventures God has in store for us